Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Leader - Who

Every one wanted to be a leader. Every one wanted to be lead.

Who is the real Leader? The question needs some exploration to be made both inside and outside. Some people claim politicians, big names, academicians, administrators, Affluent people and popular paupers as leaders by choice, or by success, or by renaissance, or by real strength of followers.
Is a title really required to be a leader? Gandhi was followed by millions of people of India and fondly called father of nation is one of the greatest leader the country has every produced and the world has ever witnessed. Still some people are not for the ideological opinions of Gandhi and consider him as an over glorified human being. Some people claim Patel would be a better choice for the first prime minister than Nehru who by virtue of being close to Gandhi occupied the coveted chair in 1947. What does Patel has and Nehru doesn’t have. We really never worried about knowing the history in its purest form and still go by what we were taught in schools and read in the text books.
What it takes to be a real leader as far as administration is concerned? Consider the following:
A leader is a person who should not worry about the tag and work for the common cause as his first motto…simply speaking he should not be worried to lead without a title.
A person who is considered as a trustworthy individual by all the team members and talk well of him on his face and out, may count him in the leadership groove
A man of character and principles personified. Character is not what you do when others are watching it is what you do when others are not watching. Principle is the way in which we can live rather than exist.
A leader is someone who is not producing followers but producing leaders. Normally when people go higher up on the ladder they started feeling insecure as the close in command breath on their necks and waiting for the next opportunity to get hold of the chair. A true leader will never be afraid of his position and he rather gleefully saw his successors succeed.
Look at this scenario: you come across a major fraud committed by a superior of yours. But you kept quiet fearing about your own position and next appraisal is just on the way. You are compromising an activity which you would not allow if you are above your leader. Your leader is in a way made you sacrifice your own individuality for your individual advantage thereby negating your claim for sanctity. Both of you will not be a good leader and will become one.
Leadership is a quality not come just by birth. If you are an heir of a political hoodlum or bigwig people start respecting by your sheer bloodline. Some cases it may be worthwhile but most of the cases it is mere sycophancy. We saw lots of living examples throughout our country irrespective of genders people were made leaders and considered powerful. Who is to be blamed for this chaotic atmosphere? The voters and the system, especially, the most educated voters who never worried about the political system by not exercising the voting rights but sit on discussions about how a government should run.
Likewise in any organization especially family run business we can witness the difference in management from the elders to youngsters. Elders are worried about the attitude of the younger generation considering all their activities are playful and adventurous. The younger generation taken for granted by their fancy degrees and borrowed knowledge by so called self improvement books, and lectures by so called gurus ( economic guru, commerce guru, knowledge guru, management guru ) what not consider the older generation are just fit to sit in an arm chair and transfer all the power and wealth and mind their own business. What we need is a balanced approach. Experience plus youth can do wonders.
Let us look at the approach of the present day unemployed or over employed or over paid youth. Either they don’t have an idea about their knowledge, skill sets, mission, vision or never worried about what they wanted to become and what are they doing. Get an MBA become a vice president setting aside a person who has put on 40 years of service in the same field and start commanding him. All they eye is on their fancy six digit salaries, luxurious automobile, well furnished accommodation, fully decorated office cabin, week end parties, etc. If they honestly think about their real worth to the company, and started working no company will become sick. They think themselves a leader the minute they laid their hands on a company appointment in reality they are not. Many of them just have a job but not work. Real workers never mind about the job they just love to work and love their work.
If we take the experienced employees case they are clearly under the illusion that the number of years you put on a company will automatically entitle them for a leadership post, and the youngsters who started working with him or for him will know nothing and thought their experience will override the educational qualification and technical skills of the new recruit. Is that an acceptable practice?
Another common misconception in any organizational set up everyone started thinking, they alone work and others are expendable and the company will be ruined if they are not present. If such is the case the company will thrive and thrive just by the effort put on by each individual employee as just for the sake of his own personal development he will be putting 100 per cent of his effort for the company. Is that really happening? The company was there even before he joins and will be there even after he had gone.
With the organization perspective all the employees are just working for the sake of salary and everyone is expendable and dispensable, at the same time not replaceable just like that as it is very difficult to find someone with rich experience and know-how. Salary makes one work for the company not die with it. Only by sheer dedication and determination and their love for the company and job an employee can give his fullest to the company he work for. On an average if an individual live for 70 years and work for a company 35 years he gives half of his living age to the company which is not a small thing. It is up-to the company to nurture them, develop them, evolve them, and persuade them to try newer things, kindle them to ideate unique, and reward them adequately if not abnormally.
All an employee or a normal human being requires is a pat or an appreciation for a job well done. Everyone is craving for appreciation. It need not be a cash reward, or lucrative incentives, or a paid trip to London like that. A genuine word like WELL DONE MATE, will do wonders to his morale. How many companies or leaders are sincerely doing this exercise?
The general attitude of subordinates are their leader is a good for nothing, a real bore, a guy who know how to butter assess, made their position just because there is no alternative ( TINA FACTOR ), being a yes man always, never think on their own, a worker rather than a leader etc. From a leader or a managers’ point of view all his subordinates are dumb assess, never take organizational interest as their priority, wasting office time and money, yet another furniture with life, in the whole company he is the only one answerable to the management or owners and the total office runs on his head. But the irony is both of them knew they were wrong but refuse to accept or alter their attitude towards each other.
Where to draw a line and how to change their individual perceptions? A real leader uses all his expertise not to find only fault with the employees, whether they are superiors or subordinates to him. Sometimes we need to catch people doing when they are doing right rather than wrong. Most of the time a timely pat on the shoulder, a word of appreciation in a group, even a small well done note do wonders to the employees morale and the reward will get reflected in a more dignified and enhanced performance.
A clear demarcation of tasks, delegation of responsibilities, a clear cut checking mechanism, a honest appraisal system, an unbiased approach, willing to try new waters rather than living in age old tested terrain, respecting the capabilities of each individual purely by their merit not by their titles, creating a congenial atmosphere among the colleagues, are some of the other main characteristics of an effective leader.
All said and done there might not be any specific definition for leadership as it depends on various factors like, industry, job profile, team size, charisma, geographical locations, work-life balance etc. but every individual himself is a leader by virtue of being different from other fellow human being. what is a known fact unrecognized by many is each and every one has at least one special quality which others do not possess. An enlightened individual would try to identify that particular quality and learn something from it. Otherwise the relationship become meaning less for both the parties.
Why not we start looking others like a real leader and look out for the positive points of an individual from now? We should not ignore the negative habits of an individual however when we concentrate more on the positive aspect it tend to over ride the negative qualities. What you give is what you get. What you want is what you see. See the good in others then others will see the good in you. Don’t make anything which you later may find regret. What is not acceptable to you on your personal values is equally applicable to others also.
Learning this is an art but not a rocket science. Life is a drama and we all play a minor part as humans and learning this art will not be that tough. What is required is our own willingness to see the world empathetically rather emphatically. Only this attitude will do us a world of good and success, popularity, pride are all bound to follow. But still after so much of achievements we feel our head between the shoulders not above the sky. This humility is the quality will definitely take every individual to the desired destination.
Good luck.


Monday, December 14, 2009

எத்தனை எத்தனை.

வந்த நோக்கம் என்னவென்று தெரியாமல் வாழும் மக்களுக்கு மத்தியில் எந்த நோக்கமும் இல்லாமல் உதவும் உள்ளங்கள் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை.
செல்லும் பாதை அறியாமல் துவங்கும் பயணங்கள் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
அடைந்த பொருள் காக்கத் துடிக்கும் அடையா பொருள் அடையத் துடிக்கும் ஆசைகள் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
உடைந்த மனம் உணராமல் கடைசி வரை உடைக்கும் உளி எத்தனை எத்தனை
உள்ளுள்ள நிம்மதி உணராமல் வெளியில் அதை தேடும் மடைமை தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
பெற்றுள்ள சொத்துக்களை பேணாமல் பெற்றதை தொலைக்கும் பேதமை தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
இருக்கும் வரை உணராமல் போன பின் புலம்பல் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
புலம்பல் ஓய்ந்த பிறகும் உள்ளதை உணராமல் போனதை மறக்கா தன்மை தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
பக்தி என்றால் கோவில் தான் என்றும் கோவிலில் மட்டும் தான் பக்தி என்னும் சுயநலம் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
இதை தருவேன் இதை தருவாய் என கடவுளிடம் பேசும் பேரம் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை

தன் நாடு தன் மக்கள் என என்னாமல் தன் வீடு தன் மாக்கள் என எண்ணுவோர் தான்எத்தனை எத்தனை
அவர் பார்ப்பார் இவர் பார்ப்பார் என தான் பார்க்காமல் ஒதுங்கும் மக்கள் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
அவர் வேறு இவர் வேறு தான் வேறு என வேற்றுமை தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
பெரியோர் சொல் பெரியோர்களுக்கும் மட்டுமே என்றென்னும் சிறுமனம் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
சிறியோர் அனைவரும் சிறார்களே என்றென்னும் சிறுமை தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
சொத்துக்காகத் தான் உழைக்கிறேன் என சொந்தங்களை மறப்பவர் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
உழைப்பின் பலனை உணராமல் மடிபவர் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
மற்றோர் மகிழ்ச்சியில் மலர்ச்சியை உணர்பவர் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
அது எனது இது எனது இவை எனது என்போர் மத்தியில்
மரணம் கூட நமதில்லை நமது உடலுக்கு என்று உணர்போர் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை
இத்தனை கேள்விகள் நமக்குள் இருக்கையில் விடைகளை வெளியுலகில் தேடுவோர் தான் எத்தனை எத்தனை.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


புத்தகங்கள் நம் வாழ்வில் ஒரு சிறந்த மாற்றத்தினை ஏற்படுத்துகின்றன என்பதில் எனக்கு எந்த ஒரு ஐயமும் இல்லை. புத்தகம் இல்லாத ஒரு வாழ்வினை என்னால் கற்பனை செய்து கூட பார்க்க முடியவில்லை. புத்தகங்களுடனான எனது அறிமுகம் எனது 5 வது வயதில் எனது அபபாவினால் எனக்கு ஏற்படுத்தப் பட்டது. முத்து காமிக்ஸ், லயன் காமிக்ஸ் போன்றவற்றுடன் கல்கண்டு, முத்தாரம், குமுதம், விகடன் என பல விதமான இதழ்களுடன், தமிழ்வாணன், புஷ்பா தங்கதுரை, ராஜேந்திரகுமார், ராஜேக்ஷ்குமார், சுஜாதா என எனக்கு அறிமுகமான எழுத்தாளர்கள் தான் எத்தனை பேர். ரிப் கெர்பி, மாண்ட்ரேக், இரும்புக்கை மாயாவி என பல விதமான நாயகர்கள் தான் எனது ஆதர்சம்.

ஒவ்வொரு வாரமும் வெள்ளியன்று என் அப்பாவின் அலுவலகம் சென்று அவருடன் திரும்பி வரும் போது அந்த வாரத்திய இதழ்களுடன் வருவது என் வழக்கம். விகடனும், குமுதமும் அப்பாவுடன் போய்விட புதினங்களுடன் எனது உறவு ஆரம்பிக்கும். ரத்னபாலா, அம்புலிமாமா போன்றவற்றில் இருந்து என்னை மாற்றியவரும் எனது அப்பா தான். சம்பாதித்ததில் ஒரு கணிசமான அளவு புத்தகத்திற்கு என செலவழிக்கலாம் என எனக்கு கற்றுக் கொடுத்தவரும் அவர் தான். எனக்கு என் உறவினர்கள் வரும் பொழுது கொடுக்கும் பணத்தினை தின்று தீர்க்காமல் புத்தகத்தை வாங்கும் விதத்தை கற்றுக் கொடுத்த அவர் அந்தக் காலத்தில் சுமார் 30 வருடங்களுக்கு முன்பாக 7 ரூபாய்க்கு நான் தமிழ்வாணனின் கருகிய கடிதம் வாங்கி வந்த பொழுது தட்டிக் கொடுத்து பாராட்டினார்.

விளையாட்டுப் பருவத்தில் கூட என் படிக்கும் ஆர்வம் குறையாமல் பார்த்துக் கொண்டேன் என்றால் அதற்கு என் வீட்டில் நிரம்பி வழிந்த புத்தகங்களும் ஒரு காரணம். காமிக்ஸ் காலம் முடிந்து வயது சிறிது ஏறியதும், சுபா, பட்டுக் கோட்டை பிரபாகர், பால குமாரன், சுஜாதா, என எனது ஆர்வம் விரிவடைந்து கொண்டே இருந்தது. சங்கர்லால், தமிழ்வாணன், சாம்பு, வைஜயந்தி, நரேந்திரன், பரத், சுசிலா, விவேக், ரூபலா, கோகுல்னாத், கணேஷ், வசந்த், என அனைவரும் என் மனக்கண் முன் தங்கள் சாகசங்களை காட்டி என்னை சிலிர்ப்பூட்டினார்கள். சுஜாதாவின் வார்த்தை ஜாலங்களுக்கும், மெக்சிகோ சலவைக்காரி ஜோக்குக்கும் நான் அடிமை என்றால் அது மிகையல்ல. கொலையுதிர் காலம், கரையெல்லாம் செண்பகப்பூ, கிழக்கே ஒரு குற்றம், நிர்வாண நகரம்,நைலான் கயிறு இவையெல்லாம் எத்தனை முறை படித்தேன் என்ற கணக்கே இல்லை.

புதினங்களில் இருந்து சற்றே விடுபட்டு பாலகுமாரன், சிவசங்கரி, சாண்டில்யன், பாக்கியம் ராமசாமி, என என் வட்டம் விரிவடையத் தொடங்கியது. பாலகுமாரனின் நிலாவே வா வும், சிவசங்கரியின் நண்டும், சாண்டில்யனின் யவன ராணி, விஜய மகாதேவி யும் என்னுள் ஏற்படுத்திய தாக்கம் கொஞ்சமல்ல. ஆங்கில நாவல்களுடன் என் அறிமுகம் மிகக் குறைவு. தமிழ் மீடியத்தில் படித்த எனக்கு ஆங்கிலம் ஒரு பாடமாகவே தோன்றியதே தவிர ஒரு நாவல் படிக்கும் அளவிற்கு எனக்கும் ஆங்கிலத்திற்கும் அவ்வளவு பரிச்சயமில்லை. சாதாரண சேஸ், நாவல் கூட எனக்கு மிகக் கடினமாக தோன்றியதில் வியப்பில்லை.

நான் ஆங்கில நாவல் படிக்கதொடங்கியது 1999 இல் தான் என்றால் பலர் நம்பத் தயாராக இருக்க மாட்டீர்கள். எனது அலுவலக நண்பர் ஒருவர் (ராஜேந்திரன்) மூலம் நான் படித்த முதல் ஆங்கில நூல் ஜொனாதன் ப்ளாக் எழுதிய oil எனும் நாவல். அந்த நாவலுக்கு பிறகு house on hill, carnage merchants, என அவரது அத்தனை நாவல்களும் எனக்கு அத்துபடியாகின. அதன் பின் நான் தொட்ட ஆங்கில எழுத்தாளர்கள் ஜெப்ரி ஆர்ச்சர், மற்றும் சிட்னி ஷெல்டன், இர்விங் வாலஸ், ஃப்ரெட்ரிக் போர்சித், ஜாக் ஹிக்கின்ஸ் போன்ற க்ரைம் எழுத்தாளர்கள்.

if you wanted to learn the filthy words in english, and exhaustive
sex reading prefer jonathan black and irving wallace. If you wanted to learn the
english etiquette, conversational practice, communication development read
jeffrey archer, ken follet, arthur hailey. If you prefer a unputdownable novel
go to sheldon. Each author got his own merits and demerits and a distinct style
too. Robin cook for medicine thriller, Jonathan black for international
conspiracy, Sheldon for woman empowerment and deceit, Archer for unimaginable
twists and turns, Forsyth and higgins for espionage, Herald robbins and wallace
for titillation, john grisham for law and the list goes on. some of the best
selling and readable novels of the above authors are listed below ( a must read

jeffrey archer - 11th commandment, kane and abel, prodigal daughter, shall we tell the president, honour among theives, first among equals, fifth estate
sheldon - if tomorrow comes, other side of midnight, blood line, morning noon and night, tell me your dreams
black - oil, carnage merchants, house on the hill
hailey - overload, wheels, hospital, hotel, in high places
grisham - pelican brief, last juror, partner,
irving wallace - the fan club, celestial bed, almighty, miracle, The Man, The prize, The Plot

கிரைம் நாவல்களில் இருந்து வெளிவரத் துடித்துக் கொண்டிருந்த் எனக்கு தற்செயலாக கிடைத்த அறிமுகம் தான் ராபின் ஷர்மா மற்றும் பாலோ கோயல்ஹொ. எனது வாழ்வின் அடுத்த நிலையை எனக்கு தெரிவித்த பெருமை இவர்கள் எழுதிய mega living and The alchemist ஆகிய இரண்டு புத்தகங்களையே சாரும். இந்த புத்தகங்களை படித்த பிறகு எனக்கு நான் படிக்கும் புத்தகங்கள் இப்படி தான் இருக்க வேண்டும் என்ற தீர்மானம் ஏற்பட்டு விட்டது. நாவல்களில் இருந்து இலக்கியம் மற்றும் சுய முன்னேற்ற நூல்களின் பால் எனது கவனம் திரும்பத் தொடங்கியது.

எவ்வளவு படித்தாலும் என்னுரையாகாதே. சொன்னது கேட்டாயே சும்மா இருந்து விடு என்ற சித்தர் பாடல்கள் புத்தகம் எனக்கு கிடைத்தது. அடுத்த மாற்றம் துவங்கியது.. சித்தர் பாடல்களின் தாக்கம் என்னை இலக்கியத்தில் இருந்து பிரித்து ஆன்மீகத் தேடலுக்கு வித்திட்டது. அப்பொழுது எனக்கு இடறியது தான் swami rama's living with himalayan masters, walking with a himalayan master, auto biography of a yogi by paramahansa nityananda, divine and bless by swami sivananda.

யோகிகளுக்கு மேல் யோகிகள் நிலையைப் படித்த எனக்கு தேடல் கூட ஆரம்பித்த போது வந்து இறங்கியவர் தான் நிஸர்கடட்ட மஹாராஜ். இவரின் i am that படித்த பொழுது என்னுள் ஏற்பட்ட உணர்வுகள் உரையிட முடியாததவை. ஒவ்வொரு முறை படிக்கும் பொழுதும் வித விதமான அர்த்தங்களை அந்த புத்தகம் இன்று வரை என்னுள் ஏற்படுத்திக் கொண்டு இருக்கிறது.

இப்படி என் வாழ்வில் 5 வயதில் எனக்கு புத்தகங்களுடன் ஏற்பட்ட தொடர்பு சிறிது சிறிதாக அடைந்த பரிணாம வளர்ச்சி 40 வயதில் ஒரு நடு நிலையை எட்டி இருக்கிறது. பலவிதமான கால கட்டங்களில் புத்தகங்கள் எனக்கு ஒரு நல்ல நண்பனாக, வழிகாட்டியாக இருந்து இருக்கிறது. வாழ்க்கை இருட்டில் வெளிச்சத்தை காட்டி இருக்கிறது. நான் இவ்வளவு புத்தகங்கள் படித்திருக்கிறேன் என்பதை பறை சாற்றிக் கொள்வதற்காக இதை நான் எழுதவில்லை. என்னைப் போல் பல நண்பர்கள் இருக்கக் கூடும். அவர்களில் சில பேர் மேற்குறிப்பிட்ட சில புத்தகங்களை படித்தால் அவர்களிடையே நிச்சயம் ஒரு மாற்றம் ஏற்படும் என்பதை மட்டும் உறுதியாக என்னால் சொல்ல முடியும்.

சின்ன குழந்தையின் கைவிரல் தொடல் போல, காதலியின் கள்ளச் சிரிப்பு போல, ஆசிரியரின் கைப் பிரம்பு போல, தோழர்களின் தோள்களைப் போல, அம்மாவின் தாலாட்டைப் போல, தந்தையின் அறிவுரை போல, பெரியவர்களின் கம்பீரம் போல, மீசையின் ஆண்மை போல இன்னும் எத்தனை எத்தனை உணர்ச்சிகளை இந்த உள்ளம் இந்த புத்தகங்களின் மூலம் அனுபவித்திருக்கும். யோசித்துப் பாருஙகள். இந்த வரிகளின் ஆழ்ந்த அர்த்தங்கள் விளங்கும்.

நம்புபவர்கள் படிக்க ஆரம்பியுங்கள். நம்பாதவர்கள் இன்னும் சில காலம் காத்திருங்கள். A book has its own journey to make என்று ஒரு சொல் உண்டு. உங்களுக்கு தேவையான புத்தகங்கள் உங்களை நாடி வரும் காலம் வெகு தொலைவில் இல்லை. காத்திருங்கள், வந்து சேரும். படித்துப் பாருங்கள். உங்கள் முன்னேற்றத்தை உணர்வீர்கள்.


உங்கள் மதுசூதனன்.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

தேவையா? விருப்பமா? எது உங்கள் விருப்பம் அல்லது தேவை?

உள்ளங்களுக்கு தேவைகளுக்கும் விருப்பங்களுக்கும் வித்தியாசம் தெரிவதில்லை. கடவுள் நமக்கு தேவையானதை தருவதில் தயக்கம் காட்டுவதில்லை. ஆனால் நாம் நமக்கு விருப்பமானதை கடவுள் தருவதில்லை என கட்வுளிடம் மன்றாடிக் கொண்டு இருக்கிறோம். மனதின் தேவைகளுக்கும் உடல் தேவைகளுக்கும் உள்ள வித்தியாசங்கள் நமக்கு புலப்படுவதில்லை.

நமக்கு ஒரு வீடு வேண்டும் என்பது உடலின் தேவை. பல வீடுகள் கட்டி வாடகைக்கு விட வேண்டும் என்பது நமது உள்ளத்தின் அவா. இரண்டுக்கும் வேறபாடு உண்டல்லவா?

நமக்கு அலுவலகம் சென்று வர ஒரு வாகனம் வேண்டும் என்பது சரி. நமக்கு நமது குடும்பம் சென்று வர ஒரு வாகனம் வேண்டும் என்பது சரி. அது மிக உயர்ந்த் விலை கொண்ட வாகனமாக அமைய வாஙக வேண்டும் என்பது என்னவென்று நாம் தான் உணர வேண்டும். நாம் அமர்ந்து செல்லும் வரை தான் அது வாகனம். இறங்கி சென்றுவிட்டால் அது நிலையான ஒரு பெரிய பொருள் அவ்வளவே.

எவ்வளவு பெரிய வீட்டைக் கட்டி குடி புகுந்தாலும் நமக்கு அந்த வீட்டில் தேவை நாம் நிற்கும் இடம், நாம் அமரும் இடம். நாம் படுக்கும் இடம் மட்டுமே. அதை விட ஒரு சதுர அங்குலத்தை கூட நாம் அனுபவிப்பதில்லை. அப்படி இருக்க நமக்கு தேவை நான்கு மாடி வீடுகள். வீட்டில் 40 அறைகள். இவை நமது ஆசையா அல்லது தேவையா?

ஒரு சாதாரண நடுத்தட்டு குடிமகனின் மாதாந்திரத் தேவையான ஒரு தொகையை பல உயர்தட்டு மக்கள் தங்கள் குழந்தைகளின் கைச் செலவிற்கு செலவிட கொடுக்கின்றனர். அக்குழந்தைகள் பிற்காலத்தில் பணத்தின் அருமையை உணராமல் வளர்கின்றனர். இதற்கு நாம் யாரை குற்ற்ம் சொல்வது? பெற்றோரையா அல்லது குழந்தைகளையா?

பிள்ளைகள் படிக்க வேண்டும் என்பது நமது விருப்பம். அது நமக்கு பிடித்த படிப்பாகத் தான் இருக்க வேண்டும் எனறு நாம் நினைப்பது தவறு. ஒரு குதிரையை தண்ணீர்த் தொட்டிக்கு அழைத்துச் செல்லலாம். தண்ணீரை அந்த குதிரை தான் குடிக்க வேண்டும். அந்த பணியைப் பெறறோர் செய்தால் போதுமானது. நம்மால் படிக்க முடியாத ஒரு படிப்பை நம் பிள்ளைகளாவது படிக்கட்டும் என பெற்றோர் நினைப்பதில் தவறில்லை. அதே சமயத்தில் தன் குழந்தைகளின் விருப்பம் என்ன என்பதை உணராத பெற்றோர் தான் அதிகம்.

குழந்தைகளின் உணவு உடை வசதிகள் ஆகியவற்றில் அவர்களது விருப்பம் போல் நடந்து விட்டு படிப்பில் வற்புறுத்துவது அழகா.? குழந்தைகளை அவர்கள் வயத்துக்குரிய விளையாட்டுகளைக் கூட விளையாட விடாமல் அவர்களிடம் ஒரு இயந்த்திரத்திற்கான செயல்பாட்டை எதிர்பார்க்கும் பெற்றோர் தான் எத்தனை பேர். காலையில் பாட்டு, பகலில் உடற் பயிற்சி, மாலையில் கணிணி இரவில் வீட்டுப் பாடம் என அவர்க்ளை ஒரு ரத்தமும் சதையும் உள்ள ஒரு உயிராக நினைத்திடாமல் எத்தனை எத்தனை திணிப்புகள்.

இவை அனைத்தும் தேவையா? விருப்பமா என யாராவது எப்போதாவது நினைத்ததுண்டா? நமக்கு அந்த ஞானோதயம் வரும்பொழுது காலம் மிகக் கடந்திருக்கும். அவர்கள் வளர்ந்து பெரியவர்களாகி இருப்பார்கள். திரும்ப அவர்களே நினைத்தாலும் அந்த விளையாட்டுகளை அவர்கள் விளையாட முடியாது.

அலுவலகத்தில் நமது மேலதிகாரியை தேர்வு செய்யும் தகுதி நமக்கு இருக்கலாம். அந்த உரிமை நமக்கு கிடையாது. அவரை விட நாம் தகுதியானவர்களாய் இருக்கலாம். ஆனால் பதவி பலத்தில் அவர் நம்மை விட மேல் தான். அவருடன் மோதுவது என்பது தீயைத் தொடுவது போலத் தான். சூட்டைத் தாங்கும் தைரியம் இருந்தால் அந்த செயலில் இறங்கலாம். பின்னால் புலம்புவதில் எந்த ஒரு அர்த்தமும் இல்லை.

எந்த ஒரு வேலையை செய்யும் போதும் ஈடுபாட்டுடனும் காதலுடனும் செய்தால் நமக்கு வெறுப்பு வரும் வாய்ப்பு மிகவும் குறைவு தான். பதவி உயர்வு, பணிமாற்றம், ஊதிய உயர்வு என நமக்கு இருக்கும் எல்லா எதிர்பார்ப்புகளும், ஆசைகளும் அனைவருக்கும் பொதுவானது என்பதை ஏனோ நாம் வசதியாக மறந்து விடுகிறோம்.

அதே சமயத்தில் அலுவலகத்தில் நமக்கு அளிக்கும் வசதிகளை, சலுகைகளை உபயோகிப்பதில் நாம் எந்த விதமான பாரபட்சமும் பார்ப்பதில்லை. அதை நம் உரிமை என கருதுகிறோம். காலையில் அலுவலகம் வரும் பொழுது 10 நிமிடம் தாமதமாக வந்தால் டிராபிக் ஜாம் என குறை கூறுகிறோம். மாலையில் அதே காரணத்திற்காக 10 நிமிடம் விரைவாக கிளம்புகிறோம். பணியின் காரணமாக 10 நிமிடம் தாமதமானால் அலுவலகத்தை கரிக்கிறோம்.

மாத துவக்கத்தில் வரும் ஊதியம் நமது ஈடுபாட்டை நிர்ணயிக்கிறது. அதிகம் என்றால் அதை நமது தகுதிக்கிணையாக கருதுகிறோம். குறைவாக இருப்பின் அலுவலகத்தின் தகுதியை குறைத்து மதிப்பிடுகிறோம். இது சரியா? பணியாளர் அனைவருக்கும் பணிக்கு சேர்ந்த சில வருடங்களில் மேலதிகாரியாக ஆர்வம் வந்து விடுகிறது. அதற்கான தகுதி வந்து விட்டதா என்று பார்த்தல் கிடையாது.

நம் பணிக்காக மாடாக உழைக்கிறோம் என்று நினைப்பவர்கள் அதில் எவ்வளவு தூரம் உண்மை என்பதை யாரும் சொல்லாமல் தாங்களாகவே சரி பார்த்துக் கொள்ள முடியும். தினமும் தூங்குவதற்கு முன்பாக 10 நிமிடம் கண்ணை மூடி நாம் அன்று செய்த பணிகளில் எவ்வளவு அலுவலகப் பணி, எவ்வளவு சொந்த பணி. என் நிலையில் நேற்றைய நிலையில் இருந்து இன்று 10 சதவீதமாவது அதிகம் இருந்ததா? இல்லையென்றால் முன்னேற்றம் இல்லை என்று தான் அர்த்தம்.

தினமும் தூங்கி எழும் பொழுது இன்று கடந்த பொழுதை விட ஒரு சதமாவது சிறப்பாக பணியாற்ற வேண்டும் என்று கருத்தில் கொண்டு பணி புரிந்தால் நம் முன்னேற்றத்தினை க்ண் கூடாக காணமுடியும். அதை விடுத்து மற்றவர் முன்னேற்றத்தினைக் கண்டு பொறாமை கொள்தல் நல்ல மனதிற்கு அழகல்ல. இதை தினமும் கடை பிடிப்பவர்க்கு வெற்றிக் கனியைப் பறிப்பது ஒன்றும் பெரிய வித்தை அல்ல.

நம்மை ஒருவரோடு ஒருவர் பொருத்திப் பார்ப்பதால் மனம் கெடுவதோடு மட்டுமன்றி பகை கூடுவது தான் நாம் காணும் பலன். இதை நன்கு தெரிந்தும் இந்த தாழ்வு மனப்பான்மையால் தானும் தவித்து மற்றவர்களையும் தவிக்க விடுவ்ர் பலர். ஒருவருக்கு தீங்கு செய்ய நினைப்பதாலோ, செய்வதாலோ, ஒருவர் மீது கோபப் படுவதாலோ பாதிக்கப் படுவது நாம் தானே தவிர அடுத்தவர் அல்ல. அவர்களுக்கும் நமது கோபம் தெரியாமல் கூட இருக்கலாம். வீணில் ஏன் நமது ஆரோக்கியத்தை நாமே சீர் குலைத்துக் கொள்ளவேண்டும்.

மனித மனம் மிகவும் ஆழமானது. அது பல விதமான சக்திகளை உள்ளடக்கியது. சக்தியை காணவிரும்புவோர்க்கு அது சக்தியாக காட்சியளிக்கிறது. மற்றவர்க்கு சகதியாக காட்சியளிக்கிறது. ஒரு புள்ளி மாற்றத்தால் சக்தி எப்படி சகதியாக மாறுகிற்தோ ஒரு சின்ன மாற்றத்தால் மனதின் இயல்பு தன்மை எப்படு மாறுபடுகிறது என்பதை நாம் கருத்தில் கொள்ள வேண்டும். மாற்றம் ஒன்றே நிலையானது என்பதை உணரும் மாந்தர்க்கு நிலையாமை ஒன்றே உண்மை எனபது எளிதில் புலப்பட்டு விடுகிறது. இதை உணர்ந்த மனதிற்கு எதுவும் தேவையின்றி போய் விடுகிறது. ஆனால் இந்த விருப்பம் நிறைவேறுவது நம் கைகளில் தான் இருக்கிறது என்பதை நாம் உணரும் பொழுது தான் நாம் மனிதர்களாகிறோம். அதுவரை நாம் மனிதர்களாக முயற்சி மட்டுமே மேற்கொண்டு வருகிறோம்.

வாழ்வில் நாம் அனைவரும் எந்த ஒரு சூழலிலும் மூன்று வார்த்தைகளை மட்டும் நினைவில் கொண்டால் நாம் அனைவரும் நம் இயல்பான நிலைக்கு வந்துவிடுவோம். கோபம், பெருமை, கர்வம், மகிழ்ச்சி, துக்கம், இயலாமை, உறவுகள், மோதல் அனைத்து சமயங்களிலும் நாம் சொல்ல வேண்டிய மூன்று வார்த்தைகள் "இதுவும் கடந்து போகும் ". சற்று நினைத்துப் பாருங்கள். இதன் மகத்துவம் புரியும்.
இதை அனைவரும் உணரவேண்டும் என்பதே எனது ஆசை. உங்கள் விருப்பம் அதுவேயானால் அதை ஆசையாகக் கருதாமல் தேவையாகக் கருதுங்கள். அது நிச்சயம் நிறைவேறும்.

வாழ்த்துக்களுடன் உங்கள் மதுசூதனன்.

இது எனது கன்னி தமிழ் முயற்சி. தவறிருந்தால் மன்னிக்கவும். திருத்திக் கொள்வேன்.

பாஸ் மார்க் என்றால் மிகவும் மகிழ்வேன்.

பதில் அளியுங்கள். வளர்கிறேன்.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What is in a blue film?

Those who are above 18 are requested to shift to the next blog as this story is not belonged to youngsters and above. This is purely a man thing which can be cherished only by those who have undergone the adventure but most of us would be. Hey don’t sneak in. if it is your wish to read the story further I don’t have any objection but an obligation to reveal it to and share it with everyone…hahaha.

Ofcourse you don’t., I trust you guys. Come on. Get along with me for a fantasy ride.

Somewhere in the outskirts of komarapalyam village-25 years back

How many of us watched a soft porn or a real porn movie in the movie theatre. Popularly called as Bit Theatres (Even big cinema halls with complete facilities earn such a reputation at least for a while.) When you have not experienced an event of this nature you tend to lie or hide. Your friends discussing of such a movie running in a nearby theatre you ought to agree with them and pretend that this was nothing to you and behave like an experienced campaigner than the guy who actually acted in the movie. In reality you would have heard about them and afraid of going even near to the theatre fearing someone would have watched you and the consequences.

The four guys from erode planned for such a visit to a nearby town gifted with such a theatre and infamously famous for screening such movies that too in a time unknown to anyone but for those movie lovers. Since it is their maiden venture or shall we call adventure) into such a glare of human anatomy (male of course they know what happened to other one). Their heart beats could be heard by those who are passing near them as their anticipation lead to trepidation to perspiration to palpitation and other tions”. With a Luna and a TVS 50 their problem of vehicles solved, dates fixed, lies told, annexures added and the journey to 15 kilometers for ogling started in high sun. One of the guy who rode the luna had a peculiar habit of singing songs while riding a bicycle, or a moped or a car now that too from a super star movie. He normally starts and goes in a reverse order on dates the movies were released. The guy in the pillion cant do anything about it and enjoy the rarely found freedom of smoking at a public place with cigarette perched in his own lips enjoy the killing habit.

The 14 km ride ended on a drastic note as the board at the theatre welcomed them read as ‘NO MORNING SHOWS” next show at 2.30.

With disappointment largely written on each faces there was a deep discussion on who should approach the watchman of the theatre and launch an enquiry about the movie and its “ingredients”. The luna rider volunteered as he is the one who had initiated the whole exercise and with solidly built body passes as a small man instead of small boy. With others waited with expectation painted on their face his conversation went like this.

என்ன ஆச்சு ஷோ கிடையாதா?
மத்தியானம் வாங்கப்பா. காலகங்கார்த்தால வந்துட்டிஙக. போன வாரம் தான் ரெய்டு வந்துட்டாங்க. டைம் பாத்து தான் முடிவு பண்ணுவாஙக.
பிட் உண்டா இல்லையா?.
ரெய்டு வந்துட்டாங்கனு சொலறேன். இவன பார்ரா. போப்பா. போ. பிட் இல்லாம படம் கிடையாது. ஆனா படம் உண்டானு மத்தியானம் வந்து பாரு.

Nothing much could be done now. They have two choices either to wait back or to go back but no one wanted to think of the second option. Instead they took an alternate choice of watching a tamil movie running nearby and come back in the afternoon for a re-check. And invariably they do by afternoon.

At this juncture it would be appropriate to describe the surroundings of the theatre. It was at the outskirts of the town very near to the name board of the town about 3 kilometers from the main town. The theatre was standing tall and packed in between the sugarcane fields, cattles roaming infront of the theatre, and stench from their outputs is such a thing you should feel for having a nose and your smelling buds are functioning properly. But for a solitary bunk shop and a tender coconut vendor and a mobile bajji shop with hot chilli bajjis and fishes are ready without reasons unknown ( to them only and later they came to know). The luna guy entered the second time on the day to the same watchman with untiring enthusiasm and asked the same question. The watchman was amazed at their persistence at such a young age to understand the female anatomy and never wanted to pour water on the belly (or is it somewhat below) said the show is on. wait.

He raced to the other guys and confirmed it is on and their wait begins. After half an hour or so and 2 cigarettes one among the four reiterated and doubted their mission whether the bit is on in the film or not. If the eyes had a power of fire he would have been fired to ashes by other three guys all of them complimented him with a politely said but vulgarly meant ‘SHUT DOWN”. 15 more minutes were gone still no signs of recovery and they were the only four people staring at the closed sesame gate to open and show them the “hidden” secrets. Slowly another vehicle entered the parking arena, the two riders parked the vehicle and entered the nearby sugarcane field. Then one, then one, then one slowly the parking slot got pregnant with different vehicles with atleast a nice percentage of people entered the field.

Out of curiosity he asked a fellow who is waiting with his eyes turned mouth eating the poster girl or is she a woman going by the growth, gingerly what is in there at the field. And the reply came like a bolt.

சரக்கு மாப்ள. சரக்கு.

Now the reason for hot bajjis and fishes were clear to them. And their clear mismatch on a place was evident to them and sweat beads were began to form all over their face in addition to the uncompromising sun, but their determination never allowed them to go back on their maiden visit gone a total waste and decided to take a chance.

At sharp 3 the bell rang once loudly. All of a sudden the atmosphere became electric with atleast 50 people rushed towards the counter all were out from the sugarcane field and a handful of passengers from a bus which just stopped near the theatre starting running towards the counter suddenly the counter was fully blocked. Those guys waited for their chance to enter for a long time suddenly become isolated and became doubtful of entering the theatre with the mob at the counter. First in and last out seem to be the order that day but somehow they have managed to enter the theatre. Suddenly one of the guy shouted about doubting seeing his fathers’ friend in the theatre and started shivering. Strangely in those theatre invariably we all bumped into our friends, relatives, neighbours sometime our fathers too. But what was conveniently forgotten is when they were caught the person caught them inside also a culprit of sort. So normally people avoid talking to persons known to them in those circumstances. The luna guy was fully aware of it and explained the logic before the movie starts.

Who is worried about the titles, language, actors, technical crew, their tamasha start exactly half an hour into the movie with a 60 watt lamp above their head blinked twice and the theatre became a meditation hall and the meaning of pin drop silence was felt for the first time. The reel changes and there it comes. The real fight between two opposite genders who wore nothing but their socks to hide their bare feet and the lady with a stiletto heel began. 400 odd pairs of eyes in the theatre never shifted an inch here or there and glued to the dirty screen now filled with dirty images ( hai hai ). The four guys were transfixed, never knew what happened to them at the moment thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere and their first time visit. All of them simultaneously and involuntarily smack their lips and heard someone from the back started an animated conversation with his friend promptly condemned by the fellow watchers, with cigarette lighted from various parts of the theatre, only sound heard was the murmur of the projector and the classical music from the screen so unnatural to what was happening on it.

(The typical sounds during the full time the bit was on place things like the following must happen. A giggle from the first timer, some people talked hush hush, a nervous laugh, a curious catcall like kooo, people sat infront seats were asked to sit down a bit so that the back seater has a clear view...This things are happening till this day even after 25 years and so much of advanced methods of viewing emerged.)

15 minutes gone and the bulb came to light and visitors on the screen went off and replaced by the movie stars and within the minute all doors were open for interval.

The boys sat tight and never ventured out either afraid to be seen by someone known or they are not in a position to move out some reasons only those four know and never divulged to each other till date. Gates closed after interval 5 minutes opened again movie ended.

Never before in their life they felt so elated and they have different stories of their own to tell to others who are not such privileged and felt as if they have finished a marathon, or achieved something magnificent. All the initial expectation and euphoria of witnessing something new suddenly left them and they all knew this is going to be a continuous affair for quite sometime for all of them. Their initial apprehension, fear, guilt and other negative feelings of watching such a movie was taken a back seat which ofcourse everyone would have undergone in their life once.

Those guys became a regular in all the theatres notified for such movies and their nexus with the managers, ticket collectors or even owners of those theatres is a different story altogether. But as the saying goes first impression is the best impression and their first is indeed a memorable one. But they still failed to realize the last impression is the lasting impression and continue the habit till date…

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The value of being a father

January 11, 1987 - Sunday - 6.00

The sun rises to the boy as like for any other citizens of the town. He woke up in a state of delirium as he is going to open the batting for his team for the first time that too against a formidable opponent in a local cricket tournament. Nothing is required but a glass of coffee and there he off to the ground in his bicycle with his friends cover both the front and rear spaces their bats, pads, perched in between. The first thing the boys do after reaching the ground is to hit the old balls to the remote corners where people sat for their shit and make them move for a safety position or finish their morning chores at the earliest possible time before the cricket balls attack the other balls. By 7.30 both the teams were assembled and one of the two captains tossed the 25 paise coin. The boy was tensed and raring to go and his legs started shaking in anticipation of facing the first delivery. To his utter delight the captain gave him a thumps up sign and he ran towards the best pair of pads available ( the one with both tags and buckles intact ) and his favourite bat.

The game begins on an awesome note as the first ball he faced was a short pitched one and being a strong off side player he despatched it to the cover for a four. Being a slogger all through his local career ( by the way he never played regional, national and international cricket ) hitting comes so natural to him as he never had a worry of getting out and his team was in trouble. His enthusiasm was contagious and his batting partner took the cue and started hitting freely and 50 was touched in no time. In a 25 overs match 75 runs in the first 15 overs without losing a wicket with a touching distance of a coveted 50 ( he was batting at 48 ) and facing the last ball of the 15th over there was call from the team distracted him. He made a wait sign faced the ball, hit it straight for a four and raised both hands. A friend of his from the team rushed towards him and informed he was urgently wanted at home and his uncle was waiting outside the ground for picking him up.

The instant panic gripped him as he was unaware of what has happened at home leave the ground with broken heart but with a satisfaction of giving his team a good total to build and defend.

January 10, 1987 - Saturday - afternoon 3'0 clock.

He still remembers this conversation with his father who was supposed to leave to his mother native to bring back his mother who is staying there for the past week. The fathers invitation to him was promptly rejected citing the important match ahead for him the next day. His appa said, be careful while playing, you have already been hit in your balls last month just the wound was healing any further injuries will make his life more miserable. I will be back tomorrow evening and we will go to a new movie released on that day. Eat well, read adequate, play well, and return soon for your lunch-were the final words of his father before his departure. But the boy doesnt know they are the final words he has heard from his father in his life.

January 11, 1987 - Sunday - 6.00 am - in a different place

His father woken up with a start as the natures' call is very urgent and the indigestion caused him to rush to the loo in a jiffy. Whole of his 90 kg structure find it difficult to fit into the toilet as it was very cramped. He enjoyed his morning first cigarette and relieving of his morning burden the call from his mother " coffee is ready " hit his ears. After washing he got up and tried to tie up his underwear string some black out of dizziness struck him hard and he fell back inside the toilet with back of his head banged hard at the wall. Thats it. He lost his consciousness, felt paralysed, his hypertension skyrocketed abnormally. None of them inside the house are not aware whatsover happened to him. After a good 10 minutes his mother was worried and rushed to the toilet to find out what has happened. His father was brought out of the toilet with great difficulties, rushed to a nearby hospital and the doctors expressed their inability to treat him due to want of equipments referred to his home town. They all were transported to his home town and his father was admitted with half consciousness and asked his brother to fetch his son who is playing at the ground. All of this said in signs by him. His uncle rushed in a car to the ground, waited outside and informed one of the team mate who has came out for a cigarette.

January 11, 1987 - Sunday - 10.00 am - Hospital

As soon as he entered the hospital and saw his mother he realised something terrible has happened as he was not informed about anything serious. A single look inside the room where his father has been bedded with wires attached in almost all parts of his body, monitors blinking erratically, with foul smell of urine and the favourite dettol smell belonged to all the hospital in unison he felt frightened to hell. A morbid fear engulfed him and he knew in that his future is bleak and became the bread winner of the family. With tears rolling from his eyes he wept uncontrollably with his mother at his side the doctor came and announced

Sorry we could not save him. He has passed away. He was asked to sign in a form he filled as follows.

Patients' Name: K. Narayanan
Father of : N. Mathusuthanan - Age 16.

Blessed are those people who are having their parents alive. I whole heartedly pray the almighty to give all the parents a long life irrespective of their present health condition and wish them a very good healthy life ahead, as I knew the pain of being raised as a fatherless boy and live a parentless middle age. The advices, expertise, experience we get from our parents are invaluable. Only those who are really previleged and fortunate will have the joy of living a lovely life with parents and giving a lovely life to them. Those who are not so fortunate start loving the elders in the family or treat the family of our near, dear and your friends as one of your family. Show your affection, empathy, understanding and shower your love, service to them in full without any expectation. I assure you the joy you will have could not be described. It has to be felt.

I salute the parents and children put together who value their real worth. Love you all

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Goa – here we come

Taking a tour along with friends is always a realizable dream for every one of us. If the tour happens to a far off place with the language barrier blocks our decision, we always a wee bit hesitant to venture into it. When our team discussed to undertake an adventure the first name came to us is Goa.

Sandy beaches, fenny of different varieties, chilled beer, photogenic spots, all adds color to our dreams and the venue was finalized at the team meeting and our search for travel maps started. A group of five bachelors with not so great disposable income at our packets it is indeed a huge task at that point of time early 90's. Moreover getting permission from our home is next to impossible.

Human mind is a strange thing. When it decides on a topic and has a passion towards achieving it, it never stops at anything. As the fabulous four took all round efforts to convince the family of the fifth one in turns and got a go ahead from all the family the schedule date was fixed. The group decided to take a route which is so familiar to us and with a condition that total tour programme should not exceed more than a week. We started on a transport corporation bus to Bangalore from Erode and reached the Bangalore city in the wee hours of a Sunday. Our search for a connect travel to goa begins so early and our goods are deposited in a cloak room at the bus stand. We were all shocked to a revelation that no buses to goa in the morning hours and the first of the trip starts at 8 in the night and it takes 13 to 14 hours by bus to reach Panjim or panaji the capital city.

It is only the first day of our trip and we started counting the cash with us all and we are doing it for the fifth time since start. We were left with no other option but to rent a room in a nearby place. A day spent at Bangalore with room and refreshments definitely will cost a lot but we were left with no choice. The more we look for cheaper the dearer it became. Around 10 am we were settled at Nanjundappa lodge which is the only lodge matched our financial portfolio and blood stained, (reason unknown) mattress with creaky cot, moderately cleaned toilet ( no latches and hot water ) where one has to sing compulsorily or else never should worry about other seeing their private parts.

As like any other day I have a peculiar habit of prefer a movie over a lovely sleep I wish to explore the nearby theatre for a movie. While 3 backed out favouring sleep against movie myself and a likeminded lunatic for cinema went to a aamirkhan movie and came back. We skipped breakfast (no dieting but saving it for tomorrow) but finances never controlled the cigarette expenses. We bought the bus ticket to goa on our return had our lunch and slept half heartily as the fan never seems to be enough even to cover ones toes leave alone the whole body. We boarded the bus after a light dinner fearing unnecessary acidity or indigestive problems, which is a hazard both to us and the rest of the people traveling with us.

The bus reached Londa in the morning and stopped for a coffee and toilet break. It is indeed a greatest sight to watch the stretch of the high way from londa and the stretch seemed endless and there our cameras are out. A yashica with a flash is a pride possession and the owner of the camera always felt on top of everyone till it is in his hands. But the irony is he can’t have it all the time and enjoy others fun as seeing ourselves in photographs still gives us an unadulterated pleasure. The luxury bus become a town bus from londa as the local travelers boarded the bus and sat at the moving space between the seats. As I had occupied a window seat my friend who is at the aisle has to act as a chair for a kid till the bus reaches Panaji. He has constantly enquired about the toilet habits of the kid which by now started developing a fondness to my friend and started sleeping on his chest. When I check with the kid once on whose chair he is sitting he promptly replied ‘PAPA” much to the displeasure of my friend.

We got down at Panaji bus stand and an excellent chilled weather welcomed with stray winds and we expected a rain fall any time as it started drizzling. We are completely off guard at goa as we have only one who can speak a passable hindi others could understand the language but could not converse. Even his passable hindi failed him when the replies came in Konkani the local language in some of the lodges. After scouring so many lodges we settled with LA VISTA lodge in the main area which even matched our budgets. It is a nice place indeed for the amount they collected. The only condition for the occupants is they should reach the hotel before 9 pm after that even the main door was closed.

Our first visit at Goa is for a feny shop nearby where the wide range of drinks displayed with price tags. Of the five one is a tee totaller, 2 are only beers, 2 are adventurers. After two to three rounds of drinking binge we have finalized our tour plan at the bar itself because we were able to get connections and cab booking from the bar tender. I have almost forgotten to tell you the main pusher for goa is a movie named PUDHU PUDHU ARTHTHANGAL and the coconut tree filled vagator beach.

The ever beautiful calangute beach (queen of beaches), vagator beach a place where beers are sold in bamboo baskets like groundnuts in madras marina, dona paula, churches, margoa port trust, and our place of great interest is the city beach at Miramar. Miramar doest not look like a sea but an expansive swimming pool. We can even walk up to half a kilometer in the water and we played swissbee. As the waves take a rest at Miramar and they were vociferous in anjuna. But anjuna is famous for some other things like naked swimming, sun bathing, pick up-drop-but no escape kind of activities and no wonder we eyed anjuna and spent a considerable time there.

Seeing women topless and naked give us goose pimples and a shot down our crotch. But men are altogether a different thing. Though the men we saw there doesn’t possess something which we do not have. Whenever we go near a mans bum or other side of it we stepped up our walk to the nearest breast view ( it is a side angled view of the top ) and the view finders of our eyes roaming lustily and hungrily on any white skin, spotless, shining, giving no room for imagination, controlling ones manhood is a big task

After 3 days of all sorts of things a tourist will undertake in a beautiful place like goa like sight seeing, walking around the beaches, have fun at bar, taste the choicest beverages available, photographs are taken aplenty, shopping at the local market and we by chance got a chance to see Mr. Rajiv Gandhi who came to goa for a political meet. No great security over there we could even have shaken his hand at the public meeting at goa but none of us are interested whatsoever as we have to get our return journey back that night.

The return journey is even more memorable as we were placed to sit on a side board on the aisle seat which barely covers a part of our ass and balls and creeks always gives us an edge though the conductor pacified us it will not break up. We never took his words for granted and decided to do it our own way. We have folded the board and lied down in the walking space each ones head between legs of the person lying ahead. The eleven hour journey to belgaum is a real nightmare. From there we boarded a bus to Bangalore and reached in the morning. Since our return journey was reserved only at the night the first thing we have looked is for a developing studio and given the film rolls for printing as all of us eager to see the photographs of one of the most memorable journey till that date.

One day extended at goa, or one night extended at Bangalore, might have presented all of us an opportunity to beg, borrow or steal as our resources were fully drained out when we boarded our return journey at Bangalore and the leftovers only could take care of our sundries till we reached our home town. The reason being two days after we have seen him flesh and blood we have seen Mr. rajiv Gandhi again only as flesh and blood. Yes we have seen him two days prior and he was killed, assassinated, murdered two days later at Sriperumpudur. After so many years till now when we friends discussed about our go a trip to goa this gives us creeps.

All of our pleasant environment at goa and pleasure feelings get wiped off by this massive massacre during our maiden visit to goa and to till date a truly unforgettable one.

The team members are Mathusuthanan, Prabhakar, Kumar alias sekar, Ganesh and Sampath.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

First day first show – down memory lane

superstar’s movie always gives us adrenalin rush and first day first show become inevitable and any show after that is unpardonable. How else I could describe myself as I have not any of Rajnikanth's movie second day in the past 22 years. It is a ritual of sort for the gang set aside all other releases targeting only his movie be it any occasion it become a festival for all of us. There is no kamal gang, rajni gang like that, all of us are compassionate and pathalogical movie goers in our team.

The ritual starts as soon as we saw the confirmed release dates announced in full page advertisements in Daily thanthi (those days it is acceptable now the size restricted to a maximum of quarter page) which is the only source of information as far as cinema is concerned. No channels, no fm radios, not much magazine reading, no internet etc all that adds to the suspense of watching as the story unfolds (many times it is the same old story ) but never mind it is superstar who is doing his part ( careful I have not mentioned the word acting which he has done in select movies not in all ) A point of information here is he has acted in the same story 4 times in 3 different languages. Tiger ( with NTR ), Sagodhara sabatham ( with vishnuvarthan ) Neruppu, and Siva ( with raghuvaran) all are same story with character interchanged. This is a record of sorts and all the films were bombed at the box office.

One week prior to the release the team assembled in a common place discussed about the financial viabilities and ticket availabilities. First things first some one has to have a contact with a fan club member of the town so as the chance of a miss during fan club shows will not go awry. We had a designated person for that job and he has taken care of the job for more than 3 years before we become self reliant of getting tickets on our own. Diwali and rajni movie always had more charm as the competition between rajni and kamal a treat to watch. We never worried about the competition, anyhow we are going to watch both of them one by one same day.

Then come the financial part. As like all gangs, some guys are rich some or not so. The fund collection will go on full swing and will finish in a day or two safely given to the ticket bearer ( he is the real hero as far as his own opinion is concerned ) without him we are nothing. No mobiles, no telephone, no sms, we have to wait till his arrival that night with bated breath. His smiling face and hard push of pedals announces he has completed his mission and all of us give a high five on seeing the tickets. Then the discussion about the story begins and the discussion touched topics which are not even discussed by the actor and the film crew.

We had a customary habit continued till some of us getting married which is nothing but go for a movie before diwali night which considerably reduces the number of hours between the main movie and our waking hours. We left with hardly 4 to 5 hours of sleep as the movie begins at 7.30 in the morning. Parents of all of us wonder how come these guys woke up at 4.30 when they reached home only 1.30 the previous night and fresh for the festival. The trick lies in the tickets which they come to know when we say no breakfast till 11.

6.00 am all guys in the street with new dress, boxes of crackers dumped in a single place and the fire works goes on for an hour. When a group of members goes on a rampage nothing is left for more than an hour. 7 o clock the cycle starts some has two some has three with the person sitting cross-legged in the pillion helped on pedaling. The procession reaches the theatre and all the passengers jumped off and rushing to the queue bulging by the minute. The clever one inserted himself with the mob entered the theatre successfully and wave from inside and entered the hall for marking the seats. A sigh of relief which can make a cotton market caught fire by its sheer heat is our sign of approval of his achievement.

We enter the hall with big OH, OOH, KEEE and all sorts of sounds, whistles, wild applauses with our new clothes fully drenched in the sweat, cigarettes smudged, hair lines out of order, with some bruises we take during our final push at the counter space to enter inside. Never mind guys it is superstar we are watching. No pain no gain. With only five minutes before start the poor operator has to undergo all the abuses from the movie watchers for no fault of his. Profanities galore, cat calls at their peak. There goes the screen black announcing the magic of superstar come alive in front of us, all our discomforts like not having break fast, the rush, the push, the hush, the hotch-potch of everything melts like an early morning snow when sun at its bright side.

Whole theatre erupted on the title and the name of the star appears, with lottery tickets torn and loitered in front of the projector hole, some taking a aarti, some guys started dancing before the screens it takes atleast 10 to 15 minutes after the arrival of the super star the initial euphoria gets sated. For all of us the real fun lies in the first 15 minutes. Rest of the things and sidelights are bonus…..Our day on any festival begins at 7.30 in a theatre and ends at 1.30 in the night in a theatre…..

Guys are you ready for the mela one more time?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

cinema - golden memories


The word brings me pleasant memories and embarassing situations we faced to watch a 2 to 3 hr of masala mostly for action between man to man earlier and man to woman later. Movie going is really an experience one cannot live without. The best of the experiences are had when we watch movies in a tent kottai ( touring talkies as fondly called by natives ) sitting in raw sand or even lying in it. With only a single projector available, intervals are aplenty and canteen sales were in full swing with rose water, sarbath, murukku, thattu vada.

As all gates are open like a cabaret dancers costume and the show begins only after the sun set at 7' o clock in the evening. The crowd starts pulling from 6.30 with old songs blared from speaker fitted at the top of the theatre announcing the beginning of a movie, movie goers are perfectly in tune with the song and started walking fast or pushing their bicycles hard.

Children pushing their parents back as hard as possible when they walk towards the theatre as their idea of watching movie with the parents is a matter of pride and topic of discussions the next day. The romeos why should we call them as roadside romeos most of them really are in love with some girls and looking forward for an opportune moment for exchanging a glance with the girl they thought they love and find a place next to the wall separating the two. The real lovers enjoy this rendezvous more than the actual movie running in front of them.

There was a mad rush infront of the ticket counter for newly released movies ( movies released six months back in bigger towns ) of super stars as there invariably two queues one on the ground one above heads are a normal scene. Those gymnasts delicately balancing their foot between walls and walk like a spider without stepping on the heads and shoulders of the hapless ticket mongers coming in a normal queue. Foul words and profanities are littered liberally soon forgotten once the ticket in their hands ( cigarette wrappers as tickets in most of the theatres exchanged at the entry and recycled at the counter again and again.)

No matter what they do and from where they come people march straight to the open toilet to finish of the emergencies just for the sake of it. Lit a beedi or a cigarette they just look at the crowd outside with a smirk as they have already entered and the crowd outside started become nervous of not getting a ticket or a proper sitting place. The back bench ( first class or premium class now a days ) are normally given for family crowd and 'RICH AND AFFLUENT" people who can afford 75 paise for a ticket. But the only problem is the tallest people made to sit at the corner because if they rise from their seat their head falls in line with the projector hole and we can see nothing but a black spot in the so called "white screen".

The clock is ticking and sun was set and the theatre was engulfed by darkness and the final song, an indicator of the movie start was played and the crowd become berserk. Clappings, whistles, cat calls, sh shing sounds, clouded the entire movie hall. As against normal science the sound of the projector travels faster than the light and the first of the slide welcoming the patrons was shown. Followed by a news reel shot a well 3 years ahead about the visit of a prime minister or president to a nation the eager movie beavers are not aware of existing. The murmurs during this news reel is a thing to cherish. When jawaharlal nehru or Indira Gandhi started addressing the reel comes to an end abruptly signalling the real movie beginning. The whistles, applauses, sounds reach their maximum and children started jumping up and down with ladies adjusting their seats, gents lights a new cigarette, operator rolls the first of the roll into the projector, stove was fired fitted with khadaai with oil used for the previous 3 days for hot and sweet bajji or vada, the final bell rang, the censor certificate showed up with a blur.

The real tamasha begins after that.....