Tuesday, August 10, 2010

what do you think

Experience and Efficiency:
Efficiency is not a natural by product of experience. Those who learn the traits effectively during their man hours will apply it diligently will become successful. Is that a real necessary all efficient people are experienced? or all experienced people are efficient. It varies from individual to individual.

Unconscious competence is the order of the day when someone doing a job for quite some time and getting acclimatised with it thoroughly. Once he attain that status he should start explore it further and try to reach newer heights. Otherwise he get stuck in a rut and become a dud.

Who will tell you are efficient or experienced? Ask yourself as I am asking myself

What do you think???



jagannathan said...

Experience does make repetitive jobs easier. But it has nothing to do with inno vation or keeping
oneself updated. Our priminister is very experienced. But today he is so ineffective !
Sometimes experience tends to make a person adopt an air of superciliousness. Ha i know everytahing ! Regards

chandar said...

Hai Mathu
there are three parameters you are trying to say. One is experience,second is efficiency and third effectiveness.
Efficiency is doing the right things. Effectiveness doing the things rightly.Expereince is doing the same or number of things over a period of time.
I feel experience may teach you to be effective, but you need to innovate to do it efficiently.
To demonstrate an example, take drawing a picture. By practice and experience one can draw the picture faster , that is effectiveness. If he can innovate and use other methods ways and means, medium etc he becomes efficient. By this a drawing master may become an artist.
Doing repetitive jobs over a period of time may push one to become monotonous and effectiveness may also get worsened. This is the reason why the govt. staff though experienced do not effectively perform. Here comes motivation/passion to do the
job plays a role.
Though Kamalhasan does the same job for so many years how he becomes an artist is because of his passion and innovation born out it.
The discussion may further be elongated with others inputs too.

Thanks and regards